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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Time to Get Paid, Pal.

October 7, 2024

Earnings season is closing in. And the election is right behind it. Surely land mines will be discovered all over the place. There is risk.

So any directional bets I place over the coming weeks will be of a defined-risk nature.

But, where there is risk, there is opportunity. We'll get paid when we're right, perhaps handsomely so.

That is why it is worth wading into the rising rivers here to take some shots while keeping our downsides in check.

All Star Options

Plan B.

October 4, 2024

What happens if you can't exit a position on your brokerage platform?

Do you sit and wait it out, hoping for a quick resolution and an opportunity to exit at your price, or better?

Has that ever worked out for you?

I'm fairly certain that has nearly never worked out for me. If it has, it certainly didn't compensate me for all the times it hasn't. Not financially, and certainly not emotionally.

There's a certain panic that sets in when we lose the ability to take control when we need to. We can't control the markets, but we can control how we react to them. We can choose to take action when we need to.

Except when we can't.

Your broker has a glitch, the platform is down, and nobody will take your calls because their customer service lines are being bombarded by traders just like you who are stuck in positions, looking for a quick exit.

This is a pretty powerless feeling.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Hedging My Gas Exposure

October 4, 2024

As an owner of a gas-guzzling SUV, I don't like the prospect of higher oil prices. 

Nobody enjoys paying more at the pump. It's an unavoidable tax and if it gets too high, it can be a real drag on people's finances, and can even spill over into broader consumer spending.

And it certainly can be an inflationary signal for all things we spend money on.

That said, in a small way, I'm going to look to hedge myself against gas inflation by getting involved in a popular filling station operator that will ease my mind if I keep paying more to drive my car.

All Star Options

[Options] Taking What the Market Gives

October 3, 2024


During today's trades review (in the video above), I discussed how I'm still of the mind to be hunting for opportunities to be bullishly aggressive.

However, the current volatility environment is also offering us spots to add some delta-neutral credit spreads with better-than-average odds of success. I like doing this, if for no other reason than to add some portfolio diversification.

And I demonstrate one way in which I manage open call calendar spreads to manage my risks and give me a better shot at large gains.

All this and the usual stop updates for existing positions.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Feeding the Volatility Ducks

October 2, 2024

We've seen a bit of a rise in volatility this week, and while it is not something that should be ignored or scoffed at, I do think it offers us options traders an opportunity to position for some volatility mean-reversion, especially in some big-cap names that are stuck in ranges, ideally tightening ones.

Today's trade is in a well-known name that already has earnings out of the way and fits the bill for some continued sideways action.

All Star Options

[Options] Short Squeeze Candidate in Shipping

October 1, 2024


On today's Flow Show, Steve Strazza and I discuss this morning's frustrating start to Q4, and whether or not it means anything.

A 20%+ rise in $VIX is not something that should be ignored. But is the market overreacting to today's down tape and is this just related to repositioning in a new month and quarter?

Regardless, we've got a stock on our radar today that is caught up a bit in the news cycle, has a lot of traders caught in short positions, and could be ripe for an epic squeeze if the stock can get out from under a declining Anchored VWAP.

Here's a chart of ZIM Integrated Shipping Services: 

All Star Options

Rules Versus Gut Feel

September 30, 2024

Today, I fielded a question from a trader who has a winning options trade on. 

When he originally put the trade on, he didn't have a stop-out price in mind. It was a bit of an "all-or-nothing" trade. His risk is defined and he was comfortable with the fact that if he lost, he would probably be a 100% loser. Nothing wrong with this, as long as the position sizing is right.

Fortunately for him, the trade has gone his way and he's sitting on some handsome profits, yet the stock still has work to do to get to his profit target.

His question to me, paraphrased, is:

"I didn't originally have a stop for this trade; but now that it's winning, how do I determine if/when I should apply a trailing stop to protect my open gains?"

I'll classify this as a "first-class" problem. His issue is, how does he give this position as much room as possible to continue growing, while ensuring he can still escape with a profit if/when the trend ends?

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Grabbing This Opportunity

September 30, 2024

Last summer, me and Steve Strazza toured Southeast Asia.

We didn't know where anything was, or how to use public transportation.

Thankfully, there was an Uber-like ride-sharing service that helped us out.

We've been waiting for an opportunity to get involved in it's stock since then, and we may finally have our opportunity.

All Star Options

[Options] Seeking Risk

September 25, 2024

During today's internal Analyst meeting, JC said: "We should be doing more in China."

It's not something I often agree with. But today I do.

In fact, I've already got a couple positions on in stocks with China exposure, and I'm adding some more today.

And look at this performance of the China Large Cap ETF $FXI:


All Star Options

[Options Premium] You Know It's a Bull Market When...

September 25, 2024

"We should be doing more in China." ~ JC Parets during this morning's internal Analyst meeting.

This, coupled with my feeling that we need to be more aggressive in the stock market right now as the potential profits on the upside could be quite meaningful, playing in China is as aggressive as it gets.

All Star Options

The Hidden Costs of Options Trading Are Real

September 24, 2024

A few years back, Robinhood made a big splash in the retail trading world by offering Commission-Free options trading.

Retail traders and the media that served them rejoiced! 

"This is a game-changer!" they shouted.

And in some ways it was. But not in the way you might think.

It changed the game for retail options brokers to be able to attract multitudes more sheep to get shorn. How?

For one thing, retail brokers are able to command top dollar from market-making firms who pay the brokers for the opportunity to take the other side of retail trades. This is called Payment for Order Flow (PFOF).

From Robinhood's August 7, 2024 earnings report:

In the first half of 2024, Robinhood earned substantial revenue from payment for order flow (PFOF), particularly from options trading.

All Star Options

[Options] The Bull Market is On!

September 23, 2024


No need to get cute, and no need for an elaborate explanation of what's going on.

Quite simply, we're in a bull market. And it would be irresponsible to think that technology and high beta names won't be playing catchup soon.

We could try to pick the individual winners, or we can just buy a basket. Today's trade is that.

Here's a current one-year chart of ARK Innovation ETF $ARKK: