Small-caps are currently experiencing their third-longest period without reaching all-time highs. So far, it has lasted 808 trading days, and they are still in a 6.7% drawdown.
Here’s the chart:
(right-click and open image in new tab to zoom in)
On Monday, the S&P 500 closed down by 1.46%. However, if you look deeper, you will actually see that 351 (69%) S&P 500 stocks advanced while only 152 declined for the day.
Here's the data:
(right-click and open image in new tab to zoom in)
After a brief pullback in the larger trend, the bulls have regained control and pushed the S&P 500 higher. The S&P 500 now has a 0.0% drawdown, which means that it's at an all-time high. So, the bull market continues!
Here is a bar chart displaying all S&P 500 bull markets since 1950: