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All Star Charts Premium

The Amazon of South Korea

December 12, 2024

We'll be streaming LIVE today on Stock Market TV with The Best Morning Show in Finance. This is where we talk about which stocks are moving, the major themes in the market, and what we're doing about it.

Today's guest is our in-house Quantitative Strategist Grant Hawkridge.

Grant joins us from the other side of the world in Australia. So let's all give him a warm U.S. welcome!

All Star Charts Premium, ASC Mastermind

ASC Mastermind Week 10: Profiting From Short Squeezes

Below is the 10th ASC Mastermind  Course. In this video, I discuss how to profit from short squeezes.

I love short squeezes. I love how they happen, I love how they're somewhat misunderstood, and most importantly, I love to profit from them. 

That's why we created an entire scan to identify stocks with potential short squeezes. 

Most people think looking for a short squeeze is as simple as looking for stocks with the highest short interest. But we know there's a little more nuance than that. In reality, there are multiple components to a short squeeze.

In this video, I review the three parts of a short squeeze (why they happen), how we find these stocks, and how we analyze them to ultimately profit. 



All Star Charts Premium

The FANGhai Composite. What is it?

December 10, 2024

Our China trades are working great so far.

And I still think this is just the beginning of a major new trend. 

All those Breakout Multiplier trades that I told you we put on just 10 days ago have all at least doubled so far

Yes. That's over 100% return on each of the China trades they told us we were crazy for putting on.

But it gets better. Wait until I tell you about our new FANGhai Composite Index.

Yes you read right. The FANGhai Composite.